Look behind the scenes at Level Green Landscaping and you see examples of safety everywhere.
Some are obvious, like bright yellow road cones and safety vests.
Others are less visible, from the extra safety training that crews get on the job to the meticulous records that detail every safety-related incident.
Putting a high priority on landscape safety standards involves extra time and money.
Brad Butler, Level Green manager of corporate safety, wouldn't have it any other way.
He offers an inside look at the company’s unwavering commitment to safety.
Spending Time, Every Day
Much of the cost of safety involves time, Butler says.
“Anyone associated with production, from the shop to operations managers to branch managers to ownership, spends time on safety every day,” Butler says. “My salary as corporate safety manager is minimal compared to the cost of the time that everybody here puts in.”
That time includes the pre-planning before every job to make sure it’s planned with safety in mind, he says, as well as the comprehensive training employees get.
Managers meet regularly to review any safety-related incidents, from a broken window to a physical injury, and come up with a plan to prevent it from happening again.
Meanwhile, Butler keeps a detailed spreadsheet that records every safety-related incident.
Training, Training — And More Training
Level Green’s comprehensive safety program includes equipment and safety training and weekly meetings for crews that cover timely safety topics. Before any Level Green employee is handed a piece of equipment to use, they get training in how to use it safely — from avoiding muscle strain with heavy equipment right down to wearing plastic gloves when mixing and using chemicals, and learning safe handling practices.
Butler estimates the training crews get is a third longer than typical training, to account for the extra safety instruction they receive.
The Stuff Of Safety: Cones, Triangles, Earplugs And More
Landscaping safety is made up of a lot of small details, each with a cost attached.
There's a cost upgrade to add reflective safety strips to shop mechanics’ uniforms, so they can be seen if they’re making vehicle or equipment repairs on the road.
Level Green owns about 200 bright yellow safety cones and another 200 orange safety triangle markers, to use on job sites to section off areas and for visibility when vehicles are parked along the road.
Each vehicle has first aid kits and fire extinguishers on board.
Personal protection equipment for each crew member includes earplugs, safety glasses and masks.
“We give these out to our crews for free,” Butler says. “Some companies charge employees for them.”
Add “safety yellow” vests and company shirts to the growing list.
It all adds up.
Keeping People Safe
“Our ownership cares,” Butler says. “It’s not about protecting our reputation or our insurance premiums. They honestly don’t want anybody hurt. It just makes good sense to slow down and make sure everybody's safe.”
Keeping Your Property Safe
Level Green’s dedication to safety extends beyond our employees to your property, Butler says. Crews go beyond mowing, trimming and pruning to really pay attention to your property, looking for potential dangers.
Is there a tree stump that may cause someone to trip? Cracked, uneven concrete that needs repair? Overgrown branches blocking the view for drivers?
We take photos of any problem areas so we can report them to property managers right away.
That extra time we take could make a big difference in the safety of your property.
Landscape Safety Standards Are A Priority At Level Green
It takes extra time, money and commitment to make safety the top priority. But, as Butler likes to say, at Level Green, we do the right thing.
That means keeping your landscape not just beautiful, healthy and appealing, but safe for your employees and ours.
It’s a promise we’re proud to make.
Level Green provides commercial property maintenance for properties throughout Washington DC, Maryland and parts of Virginia. Level Green Landscaping services commercial properties like office buildings, homeowner associations (HOAs), mixed use, condominiums, retail, institutions and government entities.
Contact us today at 202-544-0968 or by filling out our form online.
We’d love to hear from you.