The Level Green Landscaping Blog

Expert Industry Advice and Property Enhancement Suggestions.

Data centers are hot.

Sure, they’re literally hot, emitting a lot of heat keeping the internet moving.

But they’re also more in demand than ever, as more everyday business interactions shift to the cloud, demand for personal entertainment soars, and massive companies like Google, Microsoft, Apple, and Facebook keep chugging away.

Northern Virginia is a data center hot spot.

“It’s insane how many data centers are popping up, on any available land,” says Jenna Visco, a northern Virginia branch manager at Level Green Landscaping.

That means landscaping services for data centers are more in demand than ever.

Dazzling customers, residents, and tenants with twinkling holiday lights is a feel-good part of the holiday season.

But while they smile at the sparkle, property managers know there’s hard work behind it, from timing of installation and take down to budgeting.

What’s most important to commercial property managers when it comes to holiday decorating?

We asked them. Area property managers took our quick survey about outdoor holiday decorating.

Armies of hungry, destructive pests are invading counties throughout Maryland and Virginia, leaving once-green and healthy lawns bare and brown. 

It can happen practically overnight.

The villain is the fall armyworm, and experts say this year the extensive damage is the worst they’ve seen.

What to watch for? What to do about it? Let’s take a look.

If you think communicating about the need to communicate is overkill, you’re wrong.

There’s no such thing as too much communication, especially when it comes to landscaping companies and HOAs.

HOA landscape maintenance involves a unique set of challenges, from multiple homeowners’ high expectations to communication to timing.

How do HOA property managers feel about the need for communication with their landscaping company?

We asked them.