The Level Green Landscaping Blog

Expert Industry Advice and Property Enhancement Suggestions.

Is anybody noticing your signage? 

Or are they driving right by? 

The best way to boost your signage visibility is with great landscaping that attracts attention

How can landscaping around a business sign boost its visibility and make passers-by want to see more? 

So many ways. Colorful flowers automatically grab attention. Adding shrubs to signs expands your signage footprint, making it seem bigger. Skilled lighting design ensures everybody sees your signs — day and night. Intriguing, well-maintained  landscape design makes a great first impression for your commercial property. 

Mostly, great landscaping design around signs makes sure you get as many eyes on your signage as possible. That’s a win. 

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When Tyler Kreft starts listing all the things he’s looking for when he stops by your commercial property, it seems like he’ll need to spend the night.

The Level Green Landscaping account manager has a really long list. 

“Are there any tree roots impeding buildings or sidewalks?” he says. 
“Any large trees blocking security cameras? Any tripping hazards? Any low areas holding water that could freeze into ice?”

Kreft keeps listing things, from your irrigation system to your planting beds to your stormwater management. 

“My whole job is about being proactive and catching problems before they become big issues,” Kreft says. 

As long as we have him here, in a rare break from checking things, let’s chat with Kreft about all the ways commercial landscaping account managers help you keep your property safe and make it shine.

When Level Green Landscaping account manager Carlos Suarez-Aguilar is out in the field working on commercial properties, he’s not just looking for weeds and lawn diseases —he’s looking out for the earth.

Are there places where environmentally friendly native plants should be hard at work filtering stormwater? Are customers’ retention and detention ponds working properly? 

It’s not just part of the job for him. He considers himself a steward of the land. 

Not all landscaping company crews know the best environmentally friendly practices, Suarez-Aguilar says.

“It’s important to work with somebody knowledgeable and certified,” he says, “who knows exactly what needs to be done.”

Somebody like him.

Suarez-Aguilar is one of several team members at Level Green Landscaping who have earned the Chesapeake Bay Landscape Professional certification, which allows practitioners to verify functionality and effectiveness of stormwater facilities as well as focused training on maintaining the attributes for their optimal function. 

The landscaping certification is administered by the Chesapeake Conservation Landscaping Council, a non-profit dedicated to conservation landscaping to protect the Chesapeake Bay.

It’s no secret gas-powered leaf blowers make a lot of noise. 

“I think we’ve all had the experience of walking past somebody using a gas blower on full throttle,” says Dan Dyson, branch manager of the Burtonsville branch of Level Green Landscaping.  

“You can’t hear anything except the blower. Put a couple of them together and it’s deafening noise.”

But it doesn’t have to be that way. 

“Last week I was on a job where the edgers, the weed eaters and the blowers were all electric,” Dyson says. “You barely knew we were there. You could actually have a conversation.”

Expect more of that quiet in Montgomery County next summer when a ban on gas-powered leaf blowers goes into effect. 

Have you thought much about your shrubs lately?

Probably not. They’re the quiet, hardworking plants in your commercial landscaping, never complaining or demanding much.

But if you ignore them, your landscaping will suffer. They need more attention than you might think. 

How long do shrubs live? How do you keep shrubs healthy?

There’s a lot to love about the changing seasons here in the Mid-Atlantic — plump porch pumpkins in fall, the first grilled burgers of summer, the thrill of remembering where you put your snow brush as the first flakes fly.

Your commercial property landscaping marks the changing seasons, too, from spring daffodils to falling leaves to smart dormant pruning in winter. 

Seasonal landscape maintenance is a crucial part of keeping your commercial property landscaping healthy, thriving, tidy and impressive.

Is your commercial property landscaping fresh and modern, with innovative gathering spots and graceful ornamental grasses? 

Or is it still sporting sad over-pruned junipers way past their prime?

Maybe you haven’t really noticed. But your customers and tenants do. 

Good commercial landscape design doesn't stay the same — it changes, with trends, technology and evolving customer tastes.

Imagine you’re pulling up in front of the hotel where you’re about to stay for a few days. It could be any high-end hotel, but let’s just say for fun that it’s yours. 

You park the car, unload your suitcase, and grab your party size bag of cheese puffs (no judging here— you’re on vacation!)

Look around. What do you notice? Could your landscaping’s important first impression use a boost?