The Level Green Landscaping Blog

Expert Industry Advice and Property Enhancement Suggestions.

When it comes to decorative planters to enhance your commercial property, think big.

Really big.

Supersize containers — big enough to hold trees — make an instant impressive impact when used in the landscaping of hotels, office buildings, shopping plazas and other commercial properties.

How big? What should you plant in them? Who waters them?

We’re happy you asked. Check out these landscaping ideas with large planters.

If you’re happily looking around at your commercial property’s newly planted trees and shrubs, and it looks perfect, somebody messed up.

It shouldn’t look perfect yet Trees and shrubs grow — and grow — and allowing space for that growth over the coming years is part of great commercial landscaping planning — and planting. Proper plant placement is crucial for landscaping success.

Some mixed-use developments are so inviting, with vibrant restaurants, upscale shopping, flickering fire pits, and a packed calendar of fun festivities, you just want to live there.

Oh wait, you can.

That’s the beauty of a mixed-use community — live there, work there, shop, dine, gather, and have fun.

The landscaping at these bustling hot spots has to look great all the time, and there’s little slow time for landscape maintenance.

Imagine it’s spring, and you’re happily strolling through your front yard to check out the cheerful daffodils and get a peek at the fresh green grass after a long snowy winter. Life is good, right?

Wait, what the heck?

There are big gouges in your nice lawn, and it looks like your prized hydrangea shrub by the driveway is dead! Ugh!

$@#%% snow plows!

The only thing worse than ugly damage from your HOA snow removal company is battling them over who should pay to replace it.

Make sure your snow management company cares.

“We realize what a big part landscaping plays in how you feel about where you live,” says David Keffer, a branch manager at Level Green Landscaping. “The HOA garden committee spends so much time on how things look. We don’t want to tear it up.”

Most snow removal damage can be prevented with a few key preventive steps, Keffer says.

Here’s a look:

Imagine drifts of vibrant yellow daffodils on your property as far as the eye can see, casually blooming as if Mother Nature scattered the bulbs with cheerful abandon.

Except Mother Nature didn’t plant them — your landscaping crews did, using a planting technique called "naturalizing" that makes it look like the flowers popped up naturally in waves of impressive color.


Here’s what you need to know about naturalizing bulbs to make it happen on your commercial property.